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Guest list API endpoint includes incorrect next/previous URLs

When I sent a request to

GET https://api.boomset.com/events/123/guests?load_start=2023-01-10T14%3A33%3A14&page=2&page_size=250

I get back a JSON response that starts:

    "count": 535,
    "next": "https://api.boomset.com/rest/events/123/guests?load_start=2023-01-10T14%3A33%3A14&page=3&page_size=250",
    "previous": "https://api.boomset.com/rest/events/123/guests?load_start=2023-01-10T14%3A33%3A14&page=1&page_size=250",
    "results": [ ]

The next and previous URLs in the response include a /rest path fragment, which shouldn't be there. Sending a GET request to either of these URLs returns a 404 Not Found (with an HTML "Oops..." page)

Is this a bug in the API?